Recent flight over Kiawah Spit, aerial images by Mary Edna Fraser

My brother, Claude Ivey Burkhead, Jr., flew the family Ercoupe down from the grass strip in Apex, NC to Charleston for a visit in late January.  We had to wipe ice off the wings of the 1946 plane before take off at Johns Island Airport.

I love this plane.  It was my Grandfather’s and then my Daddy’s airplane.  My career would have been impossible without the pilots taking me up for my aerial photographic adventures.  This time Burke (that is what I call my brother) and I  wanted to shoot the Kiawah Spit.

The dialogue over development is not over.  I hope that the courts with the help of the Coastal Conservation League will persevere and be able to save this moving and disappearing end of Kiawah.  The plans of where to build a road for more mansions on sand are so scary when you see from the air what a narrow strip is to be used. It is a folly for the rich and an environmental nightmare.

Kiawah Spit, 1949

Historic aerial photograph of Kiawah Spit, 1949

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