Delete Apathy seeks to change the political climate of environmental and social policy through creative projects. Helmed by renowned artist Mary Edna Fraser, we hope to form a pattern for activism in your backyard. Delete Apathy is our Studio signature for various events and exhibitions planned for major universities and institutions.
Mary Edna’s band, Lime and the Coconuts, played for a gathering honoring Philip Simmons, Charleston’s renowned ironworker. Simmons fashioned more than 500 decorative pieces of ornamental wrought iron — gates, fences, balconies and window grills. Mr. Simmons is 97 years old and a unifying force in the community. He taught perseverance and diligence about his art and became a lifelong friend to Mary Edna. They collaborated on two installations, her large-scale batiks on silk with his gazebo at Charleston International Airport and City Gates at the Visitor’s Center.
April, 1989 “Charleston Waterways” 74 yards x 36 feet, silk sculpture of the Charleston coastline. Designed gazebo with master blacksmith Philip Simmons, Architect: LS3P. Charleston International Airport, SC
Watch Sparks Fly, Celebration for Mr. Simmons
Mary Edna’s band, Lime and the Coconuts, played for a gathering honoring Philip Simmons, Charleston’s renowned ironworker. Simmons fashioned more than 500 decorative pieces of ornamental wrought iron — gates, fences, balconies and window grills. Mr. Simmons is 97 years old and a unifying force in the community. He taught perseverance and diligence about his art and became a lifelong friend to Mary Edna. They collaborated on two installations, her large-scale batiks on silk with his gazebo at Charleston International Airport and City Gates at the Visitor’s Center.
April, 1989 “Charleston Waterways” 74 yards x 36 feet, silk sculpture of the Charleston coastline. Designed gazebo with master blacksmith Philip Simmons, Architect: LS3P. Charleston International Airport, SC